The article examines the organizational and legal aspects of using PR technologies in enterprise management. It is emphasized that the modern model of communication between the organization and the consumer involves the use of a two-way symmetrical model, which means the need to receive feedback. The definitions of the concept of PR-technologies existing in scientific thought are analyzed. Technologies used in communication with the consumer are highlighted. Separate classification criteria are studied, with the help of which one can attribute certain technologies to a certain type. According to the scope of application, such PR technologies as: informational and analytical, directly communicative, interactive technologies related to the presence in the online space and the creation of dynamic communication with the audience, image, digital technologies, and event technologies are highlighted. By communication channels, PR technologies are distinguished: media technologies associated with the use of traditional and new media, digital technologies using the Internet, social networks, and personal communications associated with direct interaction with the audience. By method, informational (informing about the company's activities through publications in the media or on the corporate website), emotional (influence on the feelings and emotions of the target public by involving famous people), manipulative (use of psychological pressure, hidden methods of influence such as suggestion, neurolinguistic programming, psychological methods of influence). Attention is paid to the ethics of online communications when using PR technologies. Legislative provisions regulating liability for the improper use of PR technologies are analyzed, in particular, regarding liability for black PR, unlawful methods of manipulating information with the aim of discrediting individuals or organizations, which is regulated by law, regarding slander, defamation, unfair competition, and violation of ethical norms in advertising. The role of corporate media of an enterprise, which simultaneously acts as a permanent communication channel and a tool for applying PR technologies, is highlighted. The need to comply with media legislation and copyright and related rights when using the enterprise's own corporate media is emphasized.
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