Wellness is the ideal state of health aimed at maximizing one’s potential. A healthy restaurant is one that strives for physical, intellectual, emotional, social and environmental well-being – all the time. It’s important to consider the well-being of each restaurant and create an environment in which they can thrive, which is critical to the overall health of the local economy. Healthy restaurants empower people – many stories of hospitality and restaurant professionals who have risen to the top start in the pantry or as helpers. Restaurants are a vital part of the economy and that’s important, but the health of our industry starts with the well-being of the restaurant business. So it’s essential to incorporate “self-care” rituals into your daily routine, plan “wellness” vacations and think more holistically about your purchasing decisions. For wine and food lovers, this means finding restaurants that can be part of a sustainable, health-focused lifestyle. An interesting future direction in the restaurant industry is the development of a number of restaurants that offer calorie-, lactose/dairy-, allergy-, and sensitivity-sensitive menus, with vegetarian options (and dishes that can be adapted to vegetarian) clearly labeled. Healthy and active lifestyle brands have been among the biggest trendsetters. And they still are, but they are finding entirely new definitions for the movement. Few will be shocked to learn that quick service restaurants are generally perceived as less healthy than their restaurant counterparts. After all, the world of burgers, fancy desserts, and fries doesn’t scream health. However, recently, many quick service establishments have been working to change this perception and embrace a more robust wellness mission, especially when it comes to their core competency of food and beverage. Pair a menu rich in nutrients—salads, grain bowls, and fresh fruit smoothies—with complimentary in-store fitness classes, including yoga and boxing, and a running club. Mindful and balanced eating: Promote a balanced approach to eating by offering portion-limited dishes that emphasize moderation. Holistic dining: Wellness is not just about food; it’s about the entire dining experience. Create a relaxing atmosphere in your restaurant by using natural lighting, comfortable seating, and soothing decor to enhance the dining experience, and offer wellness-related events like cooking classes, nutrition workshops, or yoga brunches to engage your community and promote a holistic approach to well-being.
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