The article studies the essential characteristics of digital transformations of logistics systems. The content of the concepts of «logistics system», «transformation», «digital transformation» is studied. Approaches to the content of the logistics system are highlighted, namely: holistic, integration, coordination, adaptation, target. It is proposed to consider the logistics system as an open system consisting of a set of elements (subsystems) that are connected in a single logistics chain and that interacts with the external environment, adapting to its challenges and threats in order to ensure the competitiveness of the business entity. Approaches to the characteristics of the concept of «transformation» are outlined, in particular: evolutionary, process. It is substantiated that the transformation of logistics systems involves evolutionary stage-by-stage transformations of the structural elements of the system (resources, types of activity, regional logistics business processes, logistics infrastructure of the region, supply chain, etc.), which allow to increase the effectiveness of its functioning, as well as ensure sustainability, safety and competitiveness. The author's vision of the content of the concept of «digital transformation of logistics systems» is presented, under which it is proposed to understand evolutionary stage-by-stage digital transformations, which, through the implementation of digital technologies, change the model of functioning of the system itself and its elements (resources, types of activities, logistics business processes, logistics infrastructure of the region, supply chain, etc.), and thereby contribute to increasing the effectiveness of its functioning, sustainability, safety and competitiveness. The features of the digital transformation of logistics systems are presented, which are: a continuous process of technological changes, the presence of modern information technologies and software products, the absence of «borders» to the implementation of digital transformations, the process of digital changes inherent in various logistics systems (direction, scale, type, etc.), the presence of both positive and negative effects from the implementation of digital transformations, etc.
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