The study investigated theoretical and methodical principals of growth points formation in the context of providing sustainable economic development of territories. It revealed the groups of factors, which control the effective implementation of forms of activation of growth points: regulatory (the lack of necessary regulatory acts for activating territorial growth points); organizational (ineffective infrastructure and insufficient use of forms of activation of territorial growth points); social (the lack of conditions for promoting the economic population activity and social direction territories development); financial (low opportunities for increasing the sources of financing, the lack of necessary significant financial flows); investment (small investment attraction of territories); innovative (the lack of effective mechanisms to stimulate the development of sphere of innovations); ecological (the lack of would-be possibilities to reduce the negative effect on natural environment). The study proposes the scheme of organizational and methodical set of instruments, the activation of economic growth points that include several stages: indicating the premises to activate the economic growth points (identifying the peculiarities of territories development, the analysis of restraining factors: regulatory, financial, social, investment, organizational, innovative, and ecological); revealing the factors that affect the activation of economic growth points of the territory (providing labour, financial, and budgetary resources, the effectiveness of economic development); the assessment of the effectiveness of the development of existing economic growth points (the assessment of economic indices and financial results), the analysis of the resources capabilities of territories (the analysis of the scientific and technical capabilities of territories, natural resources, the effectiveness of their use in the interests of the region, the provision of qualified personnel, the effectiveness of the use of economic methods to stimulate economic and innovative activities); revealing new economic growth points of territories, would-be sides of innovative development.
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