Keywords: network business structures, competitiveness, assessment of competitiveness, retail, methods of assessing competitiveness, competitive advantages, development


It is noted that competition is one of the main market regulators and incentives for the development of companies. The competitive conditions that have developed motivate business entities, including network business structures, to search for modern forms and mechanisms of development. The need for a systematic assessment of the competitiveness of network business structures in comparison with other market participants is proven. This will allow for timely identification of strong and weak "places" in the activity, to formulate reserves for further growth of competitive positions and to adjust the development strategy accordingly. It is established that the process of assessing the competitiveness of a network business structure involves the formation of appropriate approaches. Namely: the creation of a system of indicators and the selection of effective assessment methods capable of ensuring the reliability of the results obtained. It is noted that at the present stage there are no unified approaches to assessing the level of competitiveness of enterprises. Methods for assessing the competitiveness of network business structures are systematized. Attention is focused on the significance of the form of expression of the results of the assessment of competitiveness. Groups of methods according to this criterion (index, matrix, graphic and complex) were studied, their advantages and disadvantages were established. Taking into account the multifunctionality and complexity of the functioning of network business structures, the use of an approach based on the use of an integral indicator was proposed to assess their competitiveness. The advantages of its use were emphasized. The main stages of implementing the approach based on the assessment of competitiveness using an integral indicator were proposed. It was proved that it is under such conditions that the assessment of the advantages of the enterprise is ensured by the maximum number of qualitative and quantitative indicators. It was substantiated that the use of such an approach allows for timely making informed management decisions regarding the development of network business structures.


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