Climate change requires consolidation of business solutions to prevent it. The article systematizes the provisions on the imperative of introducing low-carbon energy innovations at enterprises. The authors emphasizes the climate finance system and the system of carbon capture, utilization and storage as components of accelerating the introduction of low-carbon energy innovations at enterprises. The phase-out of fossil fuels, taking into account the different levels of economic development of countries, involves the development and implementation of an action plan to gradually reduce the production and use of natural fossil fuels by implementing or financing nature-based solutions. Given the strategic nature of the task of ensuring the transition to climate neutrality in various areas, it is of particular importance to implement measures to monitor carbon dioxide emissions and develop and implement technologies for carbon capture, utilisation and storage carbon dioxide (CCUS). Systematisation of the risks of implementing energy transmission technologies, energy efficient and resource-saving technologies, development of renewable energy sources, cleaner production and environmental protection technologies will further allow to choose the best methods of their minimisation and form the conceptual basis of a risk management strategy for energy companies that have switched to the use of renewable energy sources. Possible risks of introducing low-carbon energy innovations at enterprises are identified and the importance of such innovations for the post-war green recovery of energy enterprises is emphasized. A strategy to minimise the risks of low-carbon energy technologies should be based on a comprehensive approach that includes diversification of energy sources, energy efficiency, enhanced environmental protection and bioresource restoration, energy infrastructure security, planning and response, international cooperation, education and training. Prospects for further research are to study new technologies and innovations in the field of renewable energy that can ensure the resilience of energy enterprises in the conditions of war and post-war recovery of Ukraine.
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