The article is dedicated to a substantiation and development of contemporary organizational and methodological features of formation of financial strategy of enterprise in the conditions of Ukraine’s European integration course. The formation of a financial strategy of an enterprise is a prerequisite for the successful functioning of all business entities. Today, in the new reality of military actions in Ukraine and the intensification of European integration processes as a guarantee of the independence and development of our state, the financial strategies of enterprises gain more and more relevance and require appropriate adjustments. To achieve the purpose of the article, the set of scientific methods (theoretical analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, systematization, abstraction, generalization) are used. The review of multi-vector researches on the issues of the algorithm for formation of financial strategy of enterprise in modern economic and financial sciences are performed. Based on such investigations, a universal algorithm for formation of financial strategy of enterprise in the modern conditions of Ukraine’s European integration course are proposed. Four main stages of algorithm for formation of financial strategy of enterprise are summarized, distinguished and characterized. The key rational and optimal criteria for selecting the most appropriate financial strategy of enterprise among a number of available alternatives of such strategy are substantiated as a result of the studying, systematization and further development of approaches of scientists to that issue. The main criteria for the effectiveness of the formed financial strategy of the enterprise are determined. Practical value of developing the features of formation of financial strategy of enterprise in the conditions of Ukraine’s european integration course are argued by the fact that such formed strategy is an initial moment not only for achieving the financial self-sufficiency of company, increasing its market value, but also for optimizing the risks of its activity and determining the most desirable prospects and directions for its further financial and economic development. Further research should focus on developing adequate and effective mechanisms for implementing the financial strategy of the enterprise.
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