The article determines that despite the significant potential of renewable energy sources in Ukraine, biogas production in households remains underdeveloped. The purpose of the study is to substantiate promising areas for stimulating the development of biogas production in households through the use of individual biogas plants. The research methods were: analysis of scientific literature, systematization of information, formulation of proposals. The main barriers to the development of biogas production in households are identified and a set of measures to overcome them is proposed, in particular: financial support, information campaign, simplification of administrative procedures, infrastructure development, creation of a biofertilizer market and international cooperation. The implementation of the proposed measures will stimulate the development of biogas production in households, increase the energy independence of Ukraine, improve the environmental situation and promote the development of rural areas. The implementation of these areas will stimulate the development of biogas production in households in rural areas of Ukraine and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals. The study reveals significant potential for the development of biogas production in households in Ukraine. The barriers that hinder this process are analyzed, and a set of measures to overcome them is proposed. The implementation of these measures will not only reduce the country's energy dependence, but also contribute to the development of rural areas, creating new jobs and improving the well-being of the population. The economic feasibility of using biogas for households is due to the reduction of heating and cooking costs, as well as the possibility of obtaining additional income from the sale of surplus biogas or biofertilizers. It is determined that in the long term, the development of biogas production in households will give impetus to the development of financial support for this industry, the development of technologies based on scientific institutions, the improvement of regulatory support for the alternative energy sector, the creation of a biofertilizer market and the development of international cooperation.
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