Keywords: medicinal plant raw materials, nasturtium flowers, garden quinoa, medlar


Dietary nutrition is based on the principle of maximum balance of essential nutrients in the daily diet and is an obligatory part of complex treatment. It should be noted that the therapeutic effect of dietary nutrition is ensured by a special selection of food products; certain ratios between essential nutrients and the appropriate technology for preparing dietary dishes. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that medicinal plant raw materials are an inexhaustible source of natural biologically active substances that, even in minimal quantities, have a beneficial effect on the human body. Medicinal plants have long been used in nutrition along with dietary recommendations, because medicinal plant raw materials complement diet therapy and enhance its effectiveness. The purpose of the study was to select and substantiate the types of medicinal plants for use in dietary nutrition; to analyze the effectiveness of the use of this raw material; to determine innovative directions for the use of medicinal plants in dietary nutrition. Therefore, we are considering types of local medicinal plants with the feasibility of their use in dietary nutrition, namely: nasturtium flowers, quinoa (garden, red), honeysuckle. Nasturtium flowers are the edible parts of a herbaceous plant with the botanical name Tropaeolum, grown for ornamental, food and medicinal purposes. The taste is spicy, sharp, slightly sour, but pleasant. Red quinoa, garden quinoa, French lettuce, mountain spinach – this plant has many names. But it is this species of the quinoa genus of the amaranth family that is cultivated as a vegetable crop. Garden quinoa has a slightly salty, mild spinach-like taste and is practically odorless. Honeysuckle is a perennial herbaceous honey-bearing, fodder, decorative plant. It has been established that medicinal plants or their individual physiologically functional ingredients are actively used not only as a medicinal agent, but also as components of food products to improve the human diet for the preparation of very tasty fresh vitamin salads, for addition to soups, for the preparation of purees, sauces. Because, according to experts, the Ukrainian consumer does not maintain a number of useful essential substances with food.


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How to Cite
Tesla, O., Paska, M., & Nayda, O. (2024). INNOVATIVE DIRECTIONS OF THE USE OF MEDICINAL PLANTS IN DIETARY NUTRITION. Economy and Society, (70).