For wellness businesses to succeed, it is essential to care about a healthy restaurant team and, in turn, a better restaurant, higher morale and more significant employee retention, which consists of adhering to a number of conditions, namely: creating the necessary space for open, non-intrusive dialogue. Discernment is mandatory. Issues with well-being, mental health and addiction are rampant in the restaurant industry, so don’t tackle it alone – you need to rely on the support of other restaurateurs in your community. Problems in the industry will only be solved when people in the restaurant community share their stories and experiences. No one can operate in a vacuum. Use external support systems. Some staff members may trust management and feel comfortable addressing whatever issues (if any) they are experiencing with their mental or physical health. This will not be the case for all employees. Some will likely feel more at ease by opening up to someone else. Remind your employees about the importance of self-care. It’s important to note that the restaurant industry is made up of elite warriors. Find resources for your people. Offer discounts on yoga classes, gym memberships, meditation or fitness classes. A restaurant is an integral part of the business, and working in a restaurant puts a lot of strain on a person’s legs and back. It’s important to support a program for healthier, balanced eating and drinking habits, thereby feeding people for life. Many restaurant workers eat quickly before going to work (often fast food) or sneak in a bite to eat when they come to the restaurant during their shift. Some may drink tons of coffee all day and night, and they need to remember to drink water. Then, at the end of their shift, they can finish it all off with a drink (or several) with their colleagues. They’ll likely repeat this process the next day. In a high-stress, constantly busy environment, it’s important to take a moment for yourself. Anxiety can build up and become overwhelming, so it’s important to take a break. A kind gesture, human interaction, and encouragement can make a world of difference to anyone, even during a very stressful shift.
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