The article describes the process of intellectual property management and determines its role in the innovative development of food industry enterprises. Protection of intellectual property rights is a powerful tool for the innovative development of food industry enterprises. On the one hand, it provides an opportunity to ensure a long-term competitive advantage in the market, and on the other, to increase the value of the enterprise's intangible assets. Despite the negative impact of military operations on the territory of Ukraine, the food industry is actively developing, the directions of modern innovations are aimed at overcoming many challenges: caring for consumer health, improving the environmental friendliness of both food products and the production process, significantly expanding the range. It was found that effective intellectual property management allows you to protect the uniqueness of developments and technologies, trademarks and brands, resist unfair competition, commercialize the results of scientific achievements, and stimulate further innovations. Criteria for assessing the prospects of directions of innovative developments of food industry enterprises have been formed: innovativeness of production technologies, innovative approaches to business process management; environmental friendliness: effective waste processing, use of alternative energy; effective promotion of the product on domestic and foreign markets, new products and promising developments. The experience of successful innovative developments is identified and grouped: products aimed at health care; companies that are focused on environmental friendliness of production and products, production of finished products and semi-finished products (saving the consumer's time). The algorithm for managing intellectual property rights of food enterprises is described.
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