Keywords: economic history of Ukraine, soviet institutional legacy, limited access economic model, informal networks, trust, social inequality, desolidarization


Modern challenges faced by Ukrainian society and economy necessitate the implementation of an economic policy aimed at fostering social solidarization. Identifying the historical and economic prerequisites and the specific features of solidarization within Ukrainian society over the long term forms a critical part of the scientific foundation for addressing this issue. The aim of this article is to characterize the historical trajectory of social solidarization through an analysis of the Soviet economic system and its institutional legacy. The methodological framework of the study is grounded in the concept of institutional change and the theory of path dependence. The nationalization of the economy during the Soviet period of Ukrainian history resulted in the dismantling of the economic foundations of traditional social and labor solidarization. The concentration of ownership and the centralization of management fostered the dominance of formal institutions and administrative mechanisms for promoting solidarization. State policies of social equalization and income redistribution reinforced passive, dependency-driven models of economic behavior. Genuine solidarization emerged through the establishment of informal networks that facilitated non-market access to scarce goods. The long-term consequences of the Soviet institutional legacy have been identified. The concentration of property and the reincarnation of the party-economic nomenklatura into financial and industrial groups that control the state have exacerbated the factors contributing to social desolidarization. These factors include: the lack of a broad social foundation for market reforms, increased corruption and the expansion of the shadow economy, deepening inequality, social and economic alienation and the marginalization of certain segments of society.Following Ukraine's declaration of independence, the market transformation of the economy, amid weak state institutional mechanisms heightened the social vulnerability of the population and undermined the potential for solidarity. Restoring this potential is essential to ensure the stability of both the economy and society during the war and in the post-war recovery period.


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How to Cite
Nebrat, V. (2024). HISTORICAL AND ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF SOCIAL SOLIDARIZATION . Economy and Society, (70). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-70-10