The study is devoted to the problem of creating effective systems for managing household waste at the local level. Analysis of the current situation in Ukraine revealed a number of problems, including insufficient infrastructure, low public awareness and lack of a clear legislative framework. The main purpose of the article was to study and justify the need to create a system for managing household waste at the local level, taking into account the experience of successful cases of individual territorial communities in the field of recycling and processing of solid household waste. The following research methods were used in the study: SWOT analysis to assess strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with the production of paving slabs from plastic waste; comparative analysis when evaluating different types of paving slabs according to various parameters (price, strength, environmental friendliness). The use of an integrated approach to studying the problem made it possible to combine theoretical and empirical methods. This allowed us to obtain an objective picture of the situation and develop proposals for improving the household waste management system. Based on the analysis of successful cases, in particular the experience of the Illinets community, proposals were developed for creating an effective waste management system, including separate collection, recycling and disposal. The study also revealed a number of advantages and disadvantages of various waste disposal methods, such as the production of plastic paving slabs. It was determined that the creation of an effective system for managing solid household waste at the local level is one of the key tasks for ensuring environmental safety and sustainable development. The experience of the Illinets community demonstrates that an integrated approach, which includes separate collection, recycling and use of waste as a resource, can be successfully implemented in practice. Directions for creating a system for managing household waste at the local level are proposed to ensure increased environmental safety of rural areas. The results of the study can be used to develop local waste management programs, as well as to shape state policy in this area.
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