The relevance of the research topic is due to the need of enterprises for a high-quality personnel audit, which is an important tool of personnel management and a necessary component of strategic analysis of human resources. A feature of the author's approach is, firstly, the disclosure of the strategic aspect of personnel audit, in contrast to its widespread interpretation from the standpoint of checking personnel documentation. Secondly, the focus of personnel audit in this article is directed not only at the economic and legal, but also at the social components of personnel management. In particular, personnel assessment covers, along with labor and professional indicators, the personal characteristics of employees. Based on the methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, the personnel audit of the enterprise is considered in the system of its key characteristics: goals and objectives, priority areas and directions, levels and main stages of implementation. The result of the study was the highlighting of the role of personnel audit in the strategic analysis of human resources of the enterprise, which consists in identifying problem areas and risks zones in the personnel management system and determining promising areas for its optimization, which significantly facilitates the choice of the best development strategy for the enterprise and its human resources. The article contains some recommendations. Taking into consideration the high costs of conducting a personnel audit, it is advisable to conduct it at the stage of developing a human resources management strategy or making significant changes to it. It is desirable to involve both internal and external specialists in the personnel audit process that improved effectiveness of their teamwork. The system of indicators for assessing the state and dynamics of human resources development should include not only economic, but also social indicators. All aspects and indicators of human resources assessment should be evaluated from the standpoint of their compliance with the strategic goals and objectives of the enterprise.
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