The classification of methods for evaluating the economic effectiveness of innovations is key in managing innovation projects. In today’s competitive business environment, organizations need to assess their investments in new technologies and products, requiring both financial analysis and an understanding of non-economic factors that influence innovation success. Methods for evaluating the economic effectiveness of innovations can be divided into quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative methods include techniques like Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), used to assess investment profitability. These methods also consider optimization periods, which determine when investments return, and cost analysis methods to evaluate expenses linked to innovation. Qualitative methods rely on expert evaluations and surveys, where specialists and respondents assess innovation outcomes. This classification helps select the right evaluation method depending on the goals and specifics of innovation projects. Quantitative methods offer detailed financial analysis, while qualitative methods provide broader insights into innovation impacts. Future research could explore the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and their combinations for more accurate results. Effective evaluation of innovation potential requires both systemic and integrated approaches. The systemic approach views innovation potential as part of the overall enterprise potential, examining factors like human resources, finances, infrastructure, and organizational culture. The integrated approach treats innovation as a multi-level system, with strategic, tactical, operational, and control levels for planning, managing, and assessing innovations. A model for evaluating innovation effectiveness can systematize the process, considering all factors influencing success. Tailoring methodologies to business specifics allows more accurate predictions about innovation outcomes, including profitability and sustainability. This approach, involving independent experts, enhances objectivity and supports informed decision-making, ensuring long-term competitiveness. In conclusion, evaluating innovation potential is essential for enterprises, particularly in Ukraine, helping them adapt to challenges and ensuring sustainable development in a volatile economy.
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