The article substantiates that the effective functioning of the financial system of each country is closely related to ensuring a sufficient level of its financial security. The author examines the peculiarities of ensuring financial security of territorial communities. The author defines the essence of financial security of territorial communities in the context of decentralization and establishes the place of financial security of territorial communities in global financial security. A critical analysis of the scientific approaches of domestic scholars to understanding the essence of the mechanism of financial security of territorial communities and their structuring is carried out. The author's own vision of the mechanism of financial security of territorial communities is proposed as a set of financial relations of the functional components of financial security of territorial communities, which ensure their financial self-sufficiency and financial viability, as well as determine the vectors of socio-economic development of the territorial community on the basis of the current legislative and regulatory framework and are implemented through the use of financial methods, financial levers and financial instruments. It is substantiated that in the structure of the mechanism of financial security of territorial communities it is advisable to distinguish two components: the organizational and legal mechanism of financial security and the financial mechanism of financial security of territorial communities. The organizational and legal mechanism is proposed to include the goals, financial interests of the threat, dominants, principles and functions, risks, information and regulatory support, subjects, objects, criteria and conditions of financial security of territorial communities. The financial mechanism of financial security of territorial communities is proposed to be structured as follows: financial methods, levers and tools that implement the mechanism of financial self-sufficiency, the mechanism of financial capacity, the mechanism of tax, budgetary, debt security of territorial communities and the mechanism of improving regulatory and legal support.The mechanisms for ensuring the financial security of territorial communities identified in the article allowed to identify priority areas for its strengthening.
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