Keywords: investment, foreign direct investment, dynamics, correlation and regression analysis, model, principle component analysis


The article provides the assessment and analysis of investment dynamics and modeling of dependence of foreign direct investment on macroeconomic factors. The current state of Ukraine’s economy requires substantial capital investment. The driving factor of economic growth is the infusion of accumulated, temporarily released financial resources into the economic processes of the country. But in Ukraine, there is a lack of sufficient domestic and public, as well as foreign investments. The process of a steady increase in the positive flow of foreign direct investment depends on the stability of a favorable investment climate in the country. None of the donor countries (potential investors) will consider a country experiencing inflation, political and economic instability, corruption, impoverishment, and other factors that destroy its image, as the country to be an object for investment. To develop effective investment strategies, there is a need to justify changes in FDI trends depending on external influences using econometric methods. The article presents a comparative analysis of GDP growth trends and capital investments. The dynamics of gross fixed capital formation in comparison with the calculated norms is analyzed. A correlation field of GDP dependence on gross investment is constructed. Relationship between FDI and macroeconomic factors has been established. Correlation and regression analysis between factor traits was performed. The presence of multicollinearity in the initial database of factor features was clarified. The model of dependence of FDI dynamics on GDP and capital investments in millions of dollars, average wages in dollars, and gross external debt in billions of dollars is built using the principle component analysis. This model determines the conditions for attracting a sufficient amount of foreign direct investment. Management decisions developed in these areas will contribute to the formation and implementation of investment policy in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Dovhenko, Y. (2021). EVALUATION AND MODELING OF DEPENDENCE OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ON MACROECONOMIC FACTORS. Economy and Society, (29). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-29-1