The article systematizes the directions of modernization of technology transfer in the development of corporate ecosystems of multinational enterprises (MNEs). It is proved that the achievement of the strategic goal of global competitive leadership, important for every multinational company, largely depends on the active use of external resources for the creation and commercialization of scientific ideas. It is emphasized that intra-corporate scientific and technological exchange is carried out through licensing and patent interaction, the creation of extensive networks of branches abroad with the transfer of part of scientific and technical functions to them, corporate venture capital, financing of startups, etc. The systematic networking of scientific and research activities of multinational companies and their development of global value chains in the field of R&D is demonstrated. This is ensured to a large extent on the basis of the implementation by multinational enterprises of outsourcing mechanisms for the transfer on a contractual basis of part of corporate R&D to external independent companies. Outsourcing of R&D activities to academic and private research organizations has long been considered by multinational corporations as one of their strategic priorities for optimizing their corporate business systems and increasing their international competitive status in the face of exponentially growing knowledge, technological complexity, and increasing turbulence in the global economic environment. The economic effect of participating in endogenous licensing and patent exchange is mainly not in the profit from royalties for the sale of licenses, but in obtaining indirect competitive advantages, such as strengthening business reputation, developing and implementing industry standards for individual sectors of global production. This allows multinational corporations to achieve a number of strategic goals, in particular, reducing the time and cost of implementing new technologies, while overcoming barriers associated with customs restrictions and currency regulations in different countries.
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Frederiksen L., Waffle K. (2020) High Grows Study 2022: Four Key Advantages Drive Dramatic Grows and Profitability. available at: (Accessed 5 Dec 2024)
Globe Newswire (2022) IT Outsourcing Market – Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2022 - 2027).. available at: (Accessed 25 Nov 2024)
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