The article is devoted to topical issues of rural tourism further development in Ukraine by introducing successful European business diversification practices. The assessment of the capacity of rural tourism has been given. Natural recreational resources, dynamics and structure of tourist flows, development and tourism infrastructure position have been analyzed. It has been proven that effective application of tourist potential and the evaluation of economic value of tourist resources contribute to the comprehensive development of rural areas. It has been noted that business` diversification is an effective mechanism that contributes to higher employment rate, income growth, solving the problems of urban labour concentration and its lack in rural areas. It has been admitted that the European Union has a significant experience in implementation of the development and modernization programmes of rural tourism improvement, because they act as a determinant which promotes European regional development. Relevance of the European experience application in the process of rural tourism modernization in Ukraine has been demonstrated in the article. The authors have highlighted both strengths with opportunities, and weaknesses with threats of the field`s development in the nearest future. Since rural tourism economy is considered to be a comprehensive system, then changes observed in the countryside entail the need to adjust not only business strategies, but also the value orientations of its residents towards balanced and creative development as a source of spiritual values and cultural heritage. It has been figured out that the concept of authenticity must be taken into account when analyzing the quality of the new environment built in the field of agricultural tourism. Cultural heritage is a key point of the product authenticity. It has been proved that it is common practice among the EU member-countries who are looking for alternative ways of rural development to offer new directions for the development of the tourist industry through effective partnerships between countries, for example from Central and Eastern Europe.
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