Keywords: personnel management, model, enterprise, sphere of trade, retail and wholesale trade, enterprise category


The article considers issues related to the justification of the choice of a personnel management model for a trade enterprise depending on its category. It is established that a personnel management model is a set of methods, techniques, and various methods of managerial influence that are used for the most effective use of an employee's potential. The following are highlighted as the most acceptable for the trade sector: traditional models; functional models based on professional competencies; process-oriented models and models created on the basis of modern technologies. The specific characteristics of labor in trade are given in terms of the variety of functions performed, the dual nature of labor; work with clients, and the presence of different categories of trade entities in the trade structure. The categories of enterprises are considered - large, medium, small, and microenterprises according to established criteria, and the number of employees employed is selected for research to determine the relationship between the size of the enterprise and the personnel management model. An analysis of statistical information on the number of enterprises by category and the number of employees employed in them in 2013-2023 was conducted. and their shares in the total number of operating enterprises and in the total number of employed workers in the trade sector. Regularities in the dynamics of the studied indicators in wholesale and retail trade have been established. The ratio of the shares of operating large, medium and small retail enterprises in their total number and shares of employed workers has been determined. Different natures of the ratios of indicators in wholesale and retail trade have been revealed. It has been proven that the most acceptable is a combination of different models of personnel management. Based on the established trends of the ratio between the size of enterprises and the number of employees employed in them, possible models of personnel management according to the category of retail enterprises have been identified. For large enterprises, a process-oriented model should be chosen in combination with models based on modern technologies; for medium-sized enterprises, a functional model in combination with a process-oriented model; for small enterprises, a traditional model in combination with a functional model; for micro-enterprises, a traditional model.


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How to Cite
Pavlova, V., & Ohol, V. (2024). CHOOSING A COMPANY’S PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT MODEL DEPENDING ON ITS CATEGORY. Economy and Society, (69). Retrieved from