The article investigates the theoretical and methodological foundations of managing HR processes digitalization in business, considering modern technological capabilities and digital transformation challenges. The research presents a comprehensive approach to the digital transformation of HR functions through the development of an integrated management scheme based on cyclical principles and encompasses five key functional areas: recruitment and onboarding, learning and development, performance assessment, HR document management, and HR analytics. The study enhances the traditional system of HR digitalization management principles by introducing new principles reflecting current trends: omnichannel HR services, data-driven approach, and sustainable development. This enhancement ensures a comprehensive approach to digital HR transformation while considering modern business environment challenges. The research identifies and analyzes the implementation peculiarities and integration of key technological solutions in HR, including ATS systems for recruitment, LMS platforms for training, HRIS systems for document management, and BI tools for HR analytics. An innovative approach to personnel performance management is proposed through the integration of assessment systems with predictive analytics, enabling automatic detection of productivity patterns and generation of personalized recommendations for employee competency development. This facilitates the transition from reactive to proactive human capital management. The necessity of a cyclical approach to HR process digitalization management is substantiated, implemented through continuous monitoring, effectiveness evaluation, and optimization of implemented solutions. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach to studying HR digitalization processes, combining theoretical analysis with practical recommendations for implementation. The practical significance of the research lies in developing concrete recommendations for businesses regarding the effective implementation of digital solutions in HR processes, considering both technological capabilities and potential implementation risks. The scientific novelty of the research includes: development of an integrated scheme for managing HR processes digitalization based on cyclical principles; enhancement of the traditional principles system with modern digital transformation trends; proposal of an innovative approach to personnel performance management through predictive analytics integration; and development of a conceptual model for a digital HR ecosystem that ensures synergetic interaction of all implemented technological solutions. The findings contribute to the theoretical understanding of HR digitalization processes and provide practical guidance for businesses implementing digital transformation in their HR functions. Future research prospects include developing methodologies for assessing the economic efficiency of digital HR solutions implementation and studying artificial intelligence's impact on HR processes transformation.
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Sripathi Kalvakolanu, Kdv Prasad. (2023). Human resource management digitalization. International Review. January, 2023. DOI: 10.5937/intrev2304160K.

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