Keywords: material and technical support, construction enterprises, financial resources, digitalization, efficiency


The article provides an analysis of the essential characteristics of material and technical support (MTS) for construction enterprises, which is one of the key components for the effective functioning of the company. MTS includes a set of resources, processes, and measures necessary for carrying out construction work. The authors analyze how proper management of material, technical, financial, and human resources directly impacts the efficiency and economic outcomes of the enterprise. The article identifies the main components of MTS, such as materials, machinery, equipment, transport, logistics, as well as financial resources and personnel, all of which must interact to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the company. The importance of timely and proper supply of construction materials and equipment, organization of effective logistics and transportation, as well as maintenance and repair of machinery, is emphasized. The article also analyzes the role of personnel in ensuring the proper functioning of MTS, particularly the importance of the qualification of specialists who manage resource provision on the construction site. One of the main topics of the article is the impact of new technologies and automation on MTS management. In the context of rapid technological development, digitalization, and automation of construction processes, the use of specialized software for planning, accounting, and monitoring material and technical resources significantly increases the efficiency of construction enterprises. The article also evaluates the role of automated systems in reducing construction work time, minimizing costs, and improving the quality of construction materials and structures. The authors emphasize that effective material and technical support directly affects the economic performance of the enterprise, particularly in reducing costs, increasing competitiveness, and ensuring the timely completion of projects. As a result, proper MTS organization contributes not only to increased productivity but also to improved financial results of the company as a whole. The article provides examples of successful MTS management practices in construction that help optimize costs and achieve better results in the implementation of construction projects.


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