The relevance of the article lies in the need to adapt HR management to the conditions of digital business transformation, which is becoming a key factor in ensuring the competitiveness and sustainability of organizations in modern market conditions. At the current stage of business development, digitalization is changing approaches to HR processes, requiring companies to implement innovative technologies that can significantly affect the effectiveness of HR management. The main objectives of the article are to determine the impact of digitalization on key aspects of HR management, in particular, recruitment, training, employee adaptation, corporate culture and HR management strategies, as well as to develop practical recommendations for creating a comprehensive digital HR strategy that takes into account modern challenges and opportunities of digital technologies to ensure long-term business success. The article explores strategic approaches to HR management in the context of digital business transformation, focusing on the integration of modern digital technologies into HR processes to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of companies. The challenges and opportunities of implementing innovations such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, VR/AR, cloud services and HR analytics, which are capable of automating routine tasks, optimizing processes and increasing employee engagement, are considered. A review of scientific research and analysis of the use of digital tools in various aspects of personnel management, in particular in recruiting, training, corporate culture and employee adaptation, is presented. The importance of developing a comprehensive digital HR strategy, which includes the development of employees' digital skills, the implementation of automated solutions and the adaptation of the business to new challenges, is substantiated. It is determined that the digital transformation of the HR sphere is an important factor in the company's sustainability and success in modern conditions.
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