The article highlights the prerequisites for creating an information and logistics system (ILS) based on a marketing approach aimed at increasing the competitiveness of business entities. It is noted that in the context of globalization and the rapid development of e-commerce, traditional logistics systems need to be integrated with marketing communications. It is proposed to consider the ILS as a synergistic tool that combines the functions of managing logistics processes with demand forecasting, increasing customer loyalty and meeting their needs. The main tasks of the ILS are highlighted: collection, processing, storage and transmission of market and customer data, support for strategic and operational decision-making, monitoring and control of the system, integration with ERP, CRM, WMS and TMS, as well as ensuring security and confidentiality. The article reveals the impact of innovations on optimizing logistics processes, reducing costs, increasing accuracy and speed of delivery. Particular attention is paid to creating added value, including offering free delivery, adapting conditions to the needs of customers, improving service, including transparency of information and convenient real-time order tracking. Challenges, including high implementation costs, staff resistance, and cybersecurity risks, are considered. The author suggests ways to minimize them by training employees, attracting technical support, investing in modern technologies and implementing effective information security tools. It is proved that ILS with a marketing approach helps to increase the adaptability of enterprises to market changes, allows them to make informed decisions and ensures long-term sustainability. This forms the basis for competitive advantages, market expansion and strengthening the position of business entities in a highly competitive environment. ILS promotes innovation, supports the efficiency of enterprises and creates value for customers. The application of an integrated approach increases the integration of processes, ensures synergy and business development.
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