Keywords: banking sector, assets, liabilities, equity, deposits, lending to the real sector, economic growth


The article examines the impact of russia’s military aggression, economic instability and macroeconomic challenges on the banking sector of Ukraine, which determines its relevance. The purpose of the study is to analyze the dynamics of the banking sector of Ukraine in 2013-2023, identify the main problems that hinder lending to the real sector of the economy, and develop recommendations for overcoming them. The study used methods of economic analysis, statistical, correlation and graphical methods to assess the dynamics of assets, liabilities, equity of banks, as well as the structure of deposit and loan portfolios. The results of the study showed that economic crises, inflation, devaluation of the hryvnia and lack of confidence in the banking system significantly affected its stability. It was found that the NBU reforms aimed at cleaning the system of insolvent banks ensured its stability, however, a significant reduction in the number of banks and the concentration of assets in several institutions created risks of monopolization. Analysis of lending dynamics revealed its significant reduction: over the past ten years, the volume of loans issued has decreased several times, especially for legal entities, which negatively affected economic growth. The emphasis is on the growth in the share of problem loans during crisis periods and the decline in confidence in the financial system. The practical value of the article lies in the development of comprehensive recommendations for restoring the stability of the banking system. Measures are proposed to stimulate lending to the real sector of the economy, including reform of the judicial system aimed at increasing the efficiency of debt collection, simplifying regulatory requirements, reducing administrative pressure, and introducing new banking products that will ensure a long-term deposit base. The need to create conditions for reducing the risks of monopolization and improving the quality of loan portfolios is emphasized. The results of the study can be used to form strategies for the post-crisis recovery of the banking system, which is a key element of economic growth and stability in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Shtefan, L. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BANKING SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (69). Retrieved from