Keywords: media planning software, automation, advertising campaigns, artificial intelligence, ROI, analytics


This article investigates the functionality, advantages, disadvantages, and future prospects of modern media planning software, emphasizing its critical role in optimizing advertising campaigns in a highly competitive and data-driven digital marketing environment. The study highlights the importance of automation in streamlining media planning processes, allowing businesses to effectively manage multi-channel campaigns and maximize their return on investment (ROI). The primary functions of such platforms, from strategic planning to performance analytics, are outlined. Popular tools, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager, are analyzed to identify their strengths and weaknesses in terms of usability, integration, and cost-effectiveness. The results indicate that media planning software significantly enhances the efficiency of campaign management by automating repetitive tasks, providing actionable insights, and improving collaboration among marketing teams. However, challenges such as high implementation costs, data integration issues, and compliance with legal regulations persist. These limitations are particularly critical for small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets. The article identifies artificial intelligence and machine learning as transformative technologies that are reshaping the landscape of media planning. These advancements enable real-time optimization, predictive analytics, and more precise audience segmentation. Furthermore, the growing adoption of omnichannel strategies and cloud-based solutions is fostering better integration across various advertising platforms, enhancing overall campaign performance. The practical value of the study lies in providing businesses with a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage media planning software to achieve personalized, cost-effective, and result-oriented advertising campaigns. By adopting these tools, companies can improve their decision-making processes, optimize resource allocation, and maintain a competitive edge in the evolving digital marketing landscape.


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How to Cite
Arkhypova, T., & Kryvyk, S. (2024). SOFTWARE FOR MEDIA PLANNING. Economy and Society, (69). Retrieved from