Keywords: budget, budget revenues, tax revenues, budget policy, economic transformations


The article is devoted to researching the mechanisms of budget revenue formation in the conditions of economic transformations. In the conditions of martial law, the issue of forming state financial resources, ensuring financial security and economic stability of the state is important. It is important to develop the institutional foundations for the formation of budget revenues, approaches to the development of the financial mechanism for ensuring tax revenues. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence and improve the mechanisms of budget revenue formation in the conditions of economic transformations. The gradual increase in the fiscal effectiveness of taxes, financial and economic resilience under modern social and economic challenges is significant. It is shown that the main parameters of the tax policy are determined based on the needs for the formation of public finances, which are necessary in terms of volume to support social development, ensure social justice and sustainable development of the economy. It is important to increase the effectiveness of the policy of revenue formation of the state and local budgets in view of the needs of wartime and the provision of high-quality public services to the population. Under modern social and economic challenges, the fiscal effectiveness of taxes should be gradually increased. State policy in the field of budget revenue generation should focus on issues of increasing institutional tax capacity and financial and economic resilience. The main parameters of the tax policy are determined based on the needs for the formation of public finances, which are necessary in terms of volume to support social development, ensure social justice and sustainable development of the economy. n the conditions of economic transformations, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of tax policy requires the use of taxes to provide the budget with tax revenues, while it is advisable to strengthen their role as a tool for achieving certain economic goals, by influencing the behavior of business entities, therefore, it is important to understand the mechanism of such influence, consequences and results for all participants in tax relations. Under modern conditions, the relevance and expediency of the development of institutional foundations for the formation of the revenue part of the budget is increasing, taking into account the state of war, the decrease in economic activity, structural changes in the demographic situation, and a number of financial and economic restrictions.


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Zamkovy, O. (2024). FORMATION OF BUDGET INCOME IN THE CONDITIONS OF ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS . Economy and Society, (69). Retrieved from