The approaches of Ukrainian scientists to establishing the role, tasks and functions of marketing in the process of managing the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise have systematized. Common and distinctive features in the management of the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise have identified. Based on these common and distinctive features, the management of the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise has defined as planning, organization, control and coordination of actions aimed at ensuring the effective use of its investment resources for the implementation of innovations. The main purpose of such management is to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, increase its income and ensure sustainable development. The main stages of the process of managing the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise have identified: analysis of the innovation market and investment opportunities of the enterprise; formation of an investment and innovation strategy; organization of financing of innovation projects; management of innovation risks; implementation of innovations; control and assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of innovations The main functions of marketing in the process of managing the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise according to these stages have established. On their basis, marketing of investment and innovation activities of the enterprise has defined as a comprehensive system of research, planning, organization, implementation and control of marketing activities aimed at analyzing market needs, stimulating demand, forming a positive image, reducing risks and ensuring the commercial success of investment and innovation projects. This system integrates marketing tools at all stages of development, implementation and promotion of innovations, ensuring their compliance with market expectations and long-term competitiveness of the enterprise. Therefore, marketing is a connecting link between market needs, innovative ideas and their commercialization. It is integrated at all stages of the process: from idea generation, through project implementation, to bringing innovations to the market and analyzing their success. The role of marketing in managing the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise in the current conditions of systemic crisis, as well as the specifics of its tasks in the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, has considered.
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