During the production of agricultural products, a significant amount of waste is generated. One of the problems is the significant accumulation of such waste. In addition, there is an imperfection in the information support for waste management of agricultural enterprises. Therefore, today the issue of reflecting production waste in accounting is very important, because the quality of information provided to management personnel depends on it. The purpose of the article is to outline the concept of "agricultural waste" and develop their classification in order to build an organization and methodology for accounting support for their effective management. To manage waste, it is necessary to correctly reflect them in accounting, which will allow generating reliable information for their management and determine methods for dealing with them. Currently, there are no theoretical and methodological provisions for accounting for agricultural waste, leaving the solution to this issue at the discretion of the enterprise. According to the results of the study, it was established that agricultural waste is any materials that were formed as a result of the economic activities of agricultural enterprises. A classification of agricultural waste has been developed, which provides for the grouping of waste into the following groups: by type of main production, by origin, by the possibility of obtaining economic benefit, by the degree of danger. The proposed classification can be used as a basis for developing a working plan of accounts for agricultural enterprises. Management of agricultural waste will ensure the sustainable development of such enterprises, reduce the negative impact on the environment, and also preserve natural resources. And most importantly, optimization of waste management is a key factor in achieving economic, social and environmental sustainability in agriculture. The issues of organization and accounting methods for agricultural waste require further research.
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