The article examines the economic potential of virtual assets, such as cryptocurrencies, tokens, and digital assets, for the development of the Ukrainian economy. A quantitative analysis of their impact on various sectors of the economy, including financial services, trade, technology, and investment, is conducted. Quantifying the importance of virtual assets for the Ukrainian economy is a key topic in modern financial research. In the context of the constant development of technology and the rapid digitalization of society, virtual assets are gaining increasing importance for the country's economic growth. It is important to understand that virtual assets can include digital currencies, cryptocurrencies, tokens, and other digital resources that have great potential to influence the country's financial system. The article examines various approaches to the quantitative assessment of virtual assets, as well as their possible contribution to the development of the cryptocurrency and digital financial instruments market in Ukraine. The study is designed to highlight the potential of virtual assets as a new tool for stimulating innovation and investment in the country's economy. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of citizens' income from cryptocurrency transactions. Modern methods of econometric analysis and statistical data are used to assess the contribution of virtual assets to GDP, job creation and foreign investment. Special attention is paid to legal and regulatory aspects that affect the legalization and integration of virtual assets into the country's economic space, increasing citizens' incomes. The article offers recommendations for state policy to stimulate the development of digital assets as an important element of economic transformation and sustainable growth. The use of quantitative methods will allow us to more accurately determine the impact of virtual assets on the economic development of Ukraine, their role in ensuring financial stability and opportunities for introducing new technologies into the country's financial sector.
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