Keywords: sustainable development, enterprises, employment, production volumes, structural changes, high-level technologies


The article is devoted to the evaluation of structural changes in the Ukrainian economy in the context of the approximation of the national economy to the model of sustainable development. Among a number of signs of structural shifts that express such an approximation, we focused on the growth of the contribution of enterprises that use high and medium-high technology in production to the economic results of Ukrainian enterprises. To quantitatively characterize such importance, the share of leading enterprises in terms of technological level in the amount of production and sales, and the number of employees was used. In addition, a comparative analysis of the level of labor productivity by enterprises that use high and medium-high technology in production was conducted, with a similar indicator for all groups of enterprises. To ensure comparability of indicators for different years of the retrospective period, all cost indicators were reduced to constant prices of the base year. The retrospective period (2010 - 2022) is characterized by a significant reduction in the scale of production of Ukrainian enterprises, which contradicts the fundamental signs of the country's approach to the sustainable development model, but leaves a theoretical possibility to interpret this period as a time when the reduction in scale was accompanied by positive (according to the criteria of the national economy's approach to the sustainable development model) structural changes. Our calculations made it possible to substantiate that even against the background of the general trend towards a reduction in the scale of production and in the number of employees, the indicators of the group of enterprises using high and medium-high level technologies do not allow us to count on an increase in their contribution to both the total production volumes and the number of employees. The rates of reduction in the number of employees and the reduction in the volumes of production and sales at such enterprises are higher than the average for all groups of enterprises and, accordingly, the share of such leading enterprises in terms of technological base of production is decreasing.


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How to Cite
Kotenok, M. (2024). EVALUATING OF THE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN UKRAINIAN ECONOMY IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIZING. Economy and Society, (69). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-69-50