The article discusses the importance of researching a scientific problem with the concordance of experts in the development and implementation of projects for the development of countries in Industry 4.0. It has been established that the consistency and generalization of the opinions of the team's experts serves as the development of the backbone elements of Industry 4.0, such as: development and approval of the innovative development of countries; development of new industrial strategies, including the launch of innovative technological processes and innovative products; launching national and regional policies in Industry 4.0; formation of a separate coordination body 4.0. The expediency of using the tools of mathematical statistics for the consistency of the opinions of teamwork experts has been substantiated and proposed, namely: the calculation of the Spearman's rank correlation coefficients, Kendall's concordance and the one-way analysis of variance. Kendall's method for the agreement of experts' opinions is considered and the calculation of the concordance coefficient and the calculation of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient are given. It was found that the ranking of the choice of innovative products or technology is based on several criteria, such as its prospects, competitiveness or consumer value. A matrix of ranks of types of innovative technological processes or innovative products provided by experts according to the Spearman method is presented. The sequence of five stages of application of one-factor analysis of variance in achieving the concordance of teamwork experts and the development of agreed opinions in the development of industry 4.0 development strategies is described. It is proposed to improve the system of expert selection in the management of teams of experts to the management of organizations; to develop and adapt in practice methods of checking the validity of opinions and identify reasons for reducing their reliability; combine expert assessments with mathematical and statistical methods. Concordion of experts is the basis of success in the development and implementation of strategies and projects for the development of Industry 4.0 of any country.
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