The purpose of the work is to analyse the features of the formation of the international competitiveness of Ukrainian power enterprises within the framework of ENTSO-E. In the conditions of the ongoing full-scale war, the energy infrastructure of Ukraine is systematically undergoing significant destruction, due to which power enterprises require significant imports of electricity to compensate for its deficit in the power grid. Therefore, it is relevant to form a reliable and transparent mechanism for integrating the wholesale electricity market of Ukraine into the European wholesale market within the framework of ENTSO-E, which would ensure the growth of both import and export potential of domestic power enterprises through the implementation of a competitive pricing mechanism. This, in turn, will contribute to increasing the level of their international competitiveness, which is a significant factor in national energy security. The work used such methods as system-structural analysis, system-functional analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, abstraction, induction, deduction, decomposition. Research results: the structure of the Ukrainian power market, its regulatory and legal regulation, participants are determined; the normative and legislative provisions related to the European integration of the Ukrainian electricity market into the single EU energy market, and of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Ukraine into ENTSO-E were analysed. The essence and functions of the wholesale electricity market were determined. The mechanism for organizing an exchange auction for the allocation of capacity at interstate intersections was analysed, the types of these auctions were analysed: daily joint and unilateral; the results of some such auctions were analysed based on: the pan-European JAO platform; the Ukrenergo electronic platform, the electronic platform of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange. Practical value of the study: determining the features of the formation of the international competitiveness of electricity enterprises within the framework of ENTSO-E, related to the mechanism of organizing an exchange auction for the allocation of capacity at interstate intersections, creates a practical basis for improving the tools for assessing the level of international competitiveness of electricity enterprises. Additional parameters of the international competitiveness of electricity enterprises arise from the elements of the mechanism for organizing interstate electricity trade within the framework of ENTSO-E, the consideration of which will allow a more accurate assessment of its level.
Перевозова І.В., Морозова О.С., Кулик Т.П. Особливості функціонування енергетичних бірж країн Європи. Наукові записки Львівського університету бізнесу та права. 2021. № 30. С. 261–267. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7057311.
Montoya L.G., et al. Measuring inefficiency in international electricity trading. Energy Policy. 2020. No 143. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020. 111521.
Etukudor C., et al. Automated Negotiation for Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading in Local Energy Markets. Energies. 2020. No 13(4):920. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en13040920.
Shah D., Chatterjee S.A. Comprehensive review on day-ahead electricity market and important features of world's major electric power exchanges. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. 2020. No 30(7): e12360. DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/2050-7038.12360.
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Президент підписав Закон щодо врегулювання продажу електроенергії та Закон щодо відтермінування переходу на кіловат-години у розрахунках за газ. Верховна Рада України. Офіційний вебпортал парламенту України : вебсайт. URL: https://www.rada.gov.ua/news/razom/225936.html (дата звернення: 17.12.2024).
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Montoya L.G., et al. (2020). Measuring inefficiency in international electricity trading. Energy Policy, vol. 143. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111521.
Etukudor C., et al. (2020). Automated Negotiation for Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading in Local Energy Markets. Energies, vol. 13(4):920. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/en13040920.
Shah D., Chatterjee S.A. (2020). Comprehensive review on day-ahead electricity market and important features of world's major electric power exchanges. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 30(7): e12360. DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/2050-7038.12360.
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Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny. Ofitsiynyy vebportal parlamentu Ukrayiny. Prezydent pidpysav Zakon shchodo vrehulyuvannya prodazhu elektroenerhiyi ta Zakon shchodo vidterminuvannya perekhodu na kilovat-hodyny u rozrakhunkakh za haz [Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Official web portal of the Parliament of Ukraine. The President signed the Law on regulating the sale of electricity and the Law on postponing the transition to kilowatt-hours in gas payments]. Available at: https://www.rada.gov.ua/news/razom/225936.html (accessed December 17, 2024).
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