The article is devoted to the analysis of modern payment systems in the context of the digital transformation of the banking industry. It examines the stages of the evolution of payment instruments: from traditional paper instruments, such as bills and checks, to modern digital innovations, in particular cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and decentralized finance (DeFi). The authors focus on key technological advances that have stimulated the change in financial transactions, and on how mobile platforms, contactless payments and APIs have contributed to increasing the accessibility of financial services. The article highlights current trends shaping the payment industry: the growth of the popularity of cryptocurrencies, the integration of biometric authentication, the implementation of blockchain protocols to optimize transactions and reduce their cost. Global challenges are analyzed, including cybersecurity risks, regulatory uncertainty and the need for banks to adapt to innovative technologies. Particular attention is paid to the issues of integrating digital instruments into payment systems and the need to harmonize the regulatory framework with international standards. The results of the study show that the development of payment systems is significantly changing the global financial infrastructure. The integration of innovative solutions, such as blockchain, biometric technologies and digital currencies, contributes to increasing the efficiency and transparency of financial transactions, while creating new opportunities for businesses and users. The article substantiates the need to deepen cooperation between banking institutions and FinTech companies to ensure the competitiveness and sustainable development of the financial market. The authors offer recommendations for banking institutions on the implementation of innovations in the business model, automation of internal processes and orientation towards customer needs. The role of regulators in creating a safe digital environment for financial transactions is also highlighted.
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