Keywords: business, culture, ethics, national specificity, moral values


This article is about national peculiarities in business activities in the context of culture and ethics. The purpose of the publication is to identify specific features of business culture and ethics of the leading countries in the world, as well as individual aspects of their using in practical activities. The methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, abstraction and concretization are used in this article. The relevance of the research is due to the problems of diffusion and convergence of business culture and ethics in the period of globalization. The main characteristics of business entities are analyzed using the example of leading countries in the world: Germany, England, France, the USA and China, and the peculiarities of relationships that are formed in the Arab business environment. Common and distinctive dominant features of business ethics at the macro level, basic mental traits that form certain behavioral models in the business sphere, established business style of business communications, features of negotiations, signs of collectivism or individualism, principles of business relations culture and ethics are presented. Comparing the main features of business culture and ethics, which are inherent in different countries, with national realities in Ukraine, attention is focused on the fundamental difference – the high importance of informal relations, low formalization of corporate rules, the dominance of "oral" instructions. As a result of the research, a number of conclusions are made, namely: national business ethics is a more specific concept than a universal one; the characteristics of business culture and ethics of business entities sometimes lead to diametrically opposed views on what is acceptable or unacceptable in the value system of different countries; national business ethics can adopt the experience of leading international organizations, as it solves similar general dilemmas with different cultural traditions and common management tools; with globalization diffusion, national styles of ethical behavior are mostly successfully adapted; knowledge and understanding of basic cultural and ethical values allows us to form a strategic line of behavior when implementing joint business projects.


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