Keywords: urbanization level, demographic assessment method, economic-statistical method, spatial organization, infrastructure


The purpose of the article is to assess the level of urbanization of urban areas, taking into account modern urbanization trends, such as the growth of agglomerations, climate change and intensive construction. The topicality of the topic is due to the need to adapt the methods of assessing urbanization to new conditions associated with dynamic processes of urbanization, as well as insufficient availability and quality of data for comparing cities and countries. To achieve the goal, combined research methods are used, including spatial analysis, socio-ecological, demographic and infrastructural approaches. One of the important areas that allow to effectively assess the level of urbanization is the use of combined methods that combine several approaches to provide a more objective and comprehensive picture of the development of urban areas. This makes it possible to overcome the limitations of individual methods and take into account various aspects of urbanization. The obtained results show that it is advisable to use socio-ecological methods for large cities with a high level of air pollution, and demographic and infrastructural methods for new agglomerations. The conclusions of the article emphasize the importance of assessing the level of urbanization for strategic planning of the development of urban areas, in particular for the improvement of infrastructure, housing stock and social services. Carrying out a comprehensive analysis based on demographic, economic, infrastructural and socio-ecological indicators allows for a deeper understanding of urbanization processes and their impact on the quality of life of the population. The introduction of the latest technologies and methods opens up new opportunities for improving the standard of living in cities, in particular through more accurate monitoring of the state of the urban environment and an interactive approach to city management. In addition, the implementation of sustainable practices ensures the optimization of resources and the improvement of the quality of life, creating more sustainable, comfortable and safe urban environments for residents.


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