The article examines the impact of European integration changes on the development of e-commerce in Ukraine. The e-commerce market, which is popular among consumers of all ages, has been showing rapid growth throughout the entire period of its existence in the world and in Ukraine. European integration processes, which influence consumer preferences and habits, create opportunities for e-commerce to expand its market through the free trade area, but at the same time require adaptation to EU regulations, including consumer protection, quality standards, and data privacy requirements. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of European integration changes on the development of e-commerce and to formulate proposals for the development of this market segment. Research methods used in writing the article: abstraction, analysis and synthesis, comparison, deduction, statistical. In the European Union, e-commerce is developing rapidly, covering various market segments: retail, food and food delivery, tourism and online hotel booking services, digital content and services, and B2B e-commerce. The author outlines the drivers of e-commerce development in the world: improvement of logistics (fast delivery, local warehouses), popularization of mobile payments and e-wallets, marketplaces: Amazon, eBay, Zalando, local platforms (Allegro in Poland, Discount in France), the spread of the Internet and mobile devices. The main aspects of the impact of European integration processes on the development of e-commerce are specified: harmonization of e-commerce legislation, access to markets through electronic platforms, and technological development. The author identifies obstacles and challenges to the development of e-commerce in Ukraine under the influence of European integration processes and formulates directions for overcoming them. The practical value of the article lies in the proposed ways to overcome the challenges and obstacles to the adaptation of the domestic e-commerce market to European trends. The proposals formulated in the article can be used by business entities and lawmakers to facilitate such adaptation.
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