Keywords: urban public transport, ties transport, modernization, break-even operation, profitability of transportation


The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on the current issues of bringing the urban public transport industry out of the crisis, which has lingered on, reducing the pressures on city budgets by not only increasing the own revenues of municipal transport enterprises, but also by reducing the costs of the current maintenance of material and technical bases (and their own infrastructure).Attention is focused on the tram enterprises of our country which, unfortunately, there are only 14. The article goes on to say that only a comprehensive solution to the problems of urban electric transport, which have been accumulating for decades, will give the necessary positive changes. They must be solved gradually, relying on their own existing experience and the experience of the EU countries that have already passed this path, and it is obligatory to take into account and use the scientifically grounded recommendations of scientists. As this is the only way to fully satisfy the needs of the urban population for high-quality, comfortable and safe transportation. The tram as a type of urban electric transport has high environmental performance, carrying capacity and traffic safety, it is a property of our cities. However, the tram remains a social type of transport today, since it provides transportation categories of passenger paying reduced fares, and the work of its enterprises is aimed at meeting the needs of the population in passenger transportation as much as possible, ensuring their safety and comfort of movement. At the same time, the main goal for carrier enterprises is to increase their own incomes with reliable, high-quality and safe providing of the population with transportation for the rational use of rolling stock, which moves along a rationally planned route network, and all other available material resources of these enterprises. The analysis was conducted according to the following indicators: modernization of the existing tram fleet, ways to ensure the break-even operation of tram enterprises, effective organization of industry management by enterprises, their technical re-equipment, improvement of the regulatory framework, and the like. In further work, it is planned to pay attention to tariff policy and the widespread mandatory implementation of non-cash payment systems.


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Dzhabrailov, A. (2021). ELABORATION OF PROPOSALS REGARDING THE TRAM COMPANIES’ STRATEGIC WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (28). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-28-36