The article analyses modern approaches to managing marketing activities of IT companies. The main purpose of the study is to identify the key challenges faced by IT companies in the context of rapid market changes, as well as to consider marketing strategies that help them remain competitive and meet consumer needs. Special attention is paid to digital marketing as one of the main tools for promoting IT products. The use of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, allows you to establish close ties with the audience, increase brand awareness and create active communities. The article describes the role of quality content, including articles, videos, webinars and infographics, in attracting customers and increasing interest in products. One of the key trends in the marketing activities of IT companies is the use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). This allows to segment the audience, develop personalised offers and optimise advertising campaigns, achieving high relevance and efficiency. Real-time analytics allows you to evaluate the results of marketing efforts, allocate resources and improve strategies in line with current market conditions. The importance of CRM systems for customer relationship management was particularly highlighted. These tools help to store and analyse data on customer preferences, automate processes and increase customer satisfaction. The use of CRM in conjunction with artificial intelligence helps to predict consumer behaviour and develop more personalised marketing solutions. The article discusses trends in digital marketing spending, which indicate its growing role in companies' business strategies. Social media remains one of the most effective channels, in particular due to collaboration with influencers and targeted advertising. According to research, personalised campaigns drive significantly higher conversion rates, which underscores the importance of an individual approach to customers. Thus, the article outlines the comprehensive tools and strategies that IT companies use to adapt to market challenges, strengthen their position and increase the efficiency of marketing activities.
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Витрати на рекламу в США у 2023 році
URL: httрs://www.еmаrкеtеr.соm/uрlоаds/рdf/US_Аd_Sреnding_2023.рdf
Звіт про індустрію маркетингу в соціальних мережах за 2024 рік
URL: httрs://www.sосiаlmеdiаехаminеr.соm/sосiаl-mеdiа-mаrкеting-industrу-rероrt-2024/
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URL: httрs://www.gаrtnеr.соm/еn/nеwsrооm/рrеss-rеlеаsеs/2024-02-19-gаrtnеr-рrеdiсts-sеаrсh-еnginе-vоlumе-will-drор-25-реrсеnt-bу-2026-duе-tо-аi-сhаtbоts-аnd-оthеr-virtuаl-аgеnts
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URL: httрs://blоg.hubsроt.соm/sаlеs/bеnеfits-оf-сrm
Доля мирового трафика мобильных сайтов 2015-2023 гг.
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URL: httрs://www.stаtistа.соm/stаtistiсs/277125/shаrе-оf-wеbsitе-trаffiс-соming-frоm-mоbilе-dеviсеs/#:~:tехt=Mоbilе%20ассоunts%20fоr%20аррrохimаtеlу%20hаlf,bеfоrе%20surраssing%20it%20in%202020.
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