The article studies an integrated approach to the development of human resources of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of crisis with a focus on innovative aspects of development. The relevance of the study is due to the growing role of human capital in maintaining the competitiveness of enterpris-es in the context of economic instability and the need to implement innovative solutions in the agricultural sector. Results of the study demonstrate the critical importance of distinguishing between the concepts of ‘personnel’ and ‘human resources’ with an emphasis on the qualitative characteristics of labour force development. The study has shown that effective crisis management and inno-vative development of agricultural enterprises directly depend on the quality of human resources and their ability to adapt to changing conditions. An im-portant conclusion is that traditional approaches to human resource manage-ment need to be radically transformed to meet the current challenges in the ag-ricultural sector. An innovative agricultural hub is proposed as a comprehen-sive solution for human resource development. The functional architecture of the developed platform includes interconnected modules for competence as-sessment, personalised training, career development and integration with en-terprise resource planning systems. The study demonstrates that the imple-mentation of such a platform allows to systematically address personnel chal-lenges through continuous professional development and adaptation to inno-vative technologies. Practical value of the study lies in the development of spe-cific mechanisms for the implementation of the proposed agricultural hub, in-cluding the framework conditions for cooperation with relevant ministries and international partners. The study provides practical recommendations for cre-ating a flexible human resource management system that will ensure both in-novative development and crisis resilience of agricultural enterprises. The pro-posed approach can significantly increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises by promoting human capital development and creating conditions for continuous professional growth. The results of the study can be practically applied in agricultural enterprises of different sizes and specialisations, con-tributing to the overall innovative development of the sector and its sustaina-bility in times of crisis.
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