The article systematizes approaches to defining the concepts of "time management" and "corporate time management". The main prerequisites for introducing time management into the management system of a domestic enterprise are highlighted. Conceptual principles for building a corporate time management system at an enterprise are developed. It is proposed to define a corporate time management system as a set of systematically combined methods and tools for organizing and managing personnel time in order to increase labor productivity and achieve strategic goals of the enterprise. It is noted that the implementation of a corporate time management system at an enterprise allows to increase the efficiency of the enterprise's activities by optimizing time costs for production and management of production processes. The main tasks of this system are determined: effective use of employees' working time and increasing labor productivity at the enterprise. It is noted that corporate time management should be formed on the basis of such principles as systematicity, dynamism, optimality, perspective and scientificity. Three levels of the corporate time management system are considered and the time management tools used at each of them are characterized. Attention is drawn to the importance of having labor rationing at the enterprise, and the problematic situation with labor rationing at most Ukrainian enterprises is outlined. In modern business conditions, every enterprise is interested in reducing the cost of working time per unit of output, in establishing the most appropriate work and rest regimes in order to increase labor productivity and maintain the optimal functional state of its employees. The need to implement rational work and rest regimes at the enterprise is emphasized, the content of the flexible working time regime is characterized. It is concluded that the implementation of a corporate time management system at the enterprise is a guarantee of increasing personnel productivity, achieving the goals of the enterprise and, as a result, ensuring its competitiveness in the market.
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