The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the goals, tasks, functions, and areas of application of HR engineering in order to stimulate the sustainable development of an enterprise based on improving its organizational and process model, systematizing and increasing the efficiency of management and business activities, ensuring productive employment, and advancing the professional and qualification potential of personnel. In unstable and adverse socio-economic conditions of the national and global origins, the set of approaches and technologies to improving HR management through the systemic HR engineering allows for a balanced and consistent increase in both the efficiency of economic activities and the solution of a range of social problems in the development of the workforce and the enterprise as a whole. The study methodology is based on the generalization, comparison, synthesis and analysis of traditional and innovative objectives, functions, tools and areas of application of HR engineering in the context of ensuring its multi-faceted effective impact on HR management, business efficiency and sustainable development of enterprises (in particular, in terms of their profitability, competitiveness, innovativeness, qualitative regulation of social aspects of labour relations, balanced civic responsibility). The systemic nature of HR management based on HR engineering is ensured by combining its traditional business functions (economic, organizational and administrative, socio-psychological) with strategic, innovative and wide social functions (in particular, regarding monitoring the level of capitalization and improvement of employees’ talents, skills and abilities, stimulating their career growth, team building, optimizing cooperation and mechanisms of interaction between hired personnel and an enterprise’s heads, implementing social initiatives of an economic entity regarding its personnel and external environment), which are carried out through modern information and analytical, accounting and financial, recruiting and educational technologies. As a result, the set of HR engineering methods and technologies ensures: the balancing of an enterprise’s human resources according to a consistently improved job description and required professional competencies in the ratio of hard, soft, and digital skills; productive employment; optimizing capitalization of personnel professional and qualification qualities, his working and extra-working conditions. Thus, business profitability increases in accordance with the criteria of its sustainable development, which have social and individual value recognized by employees, civil institutions and government structures.
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