Keywords: rural areas, socio-economic potential, sustainable development, green tourism, safety component


The article examines the current state and challenges of rural area development in Ukraine. Key factors hindering sustainable development are identified, including insufficient infrastructure, limited access to quality services in education, healthcare, and transportation, as well as the migration of the working-age population. The potential of rural areas for attracting investment, creating new jobs, and preserving cultural heritage is discussed. The necessity of implementing innovative management approaches, cross-sectoral partnerships, and the development of local communities to improve the welfare of rural populations is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the importance of organizational support and the establishment of specialized management bodies responsible for planning, coordinating, and implementing sustainable development projects at the local, regional, and national levels. The article emphasizes the dependence of national economies on global trends and crises, both at the individual country level and on a global scale. Rural tourism, known as green tourism, is identified as a significant factor for rural development. It contributes to creating additional jobs, promoting the sale of local producers' goods, increasing rural community budgets, and enabling infrastructure development and innovation opportunities. Tourism, as a distinct area of rural development, relies on various components, particularly advertising and marketing activities. However, as practice shows, one of the indicators of economic security in rural tourism is the purchasing power of the population, whose tourist preferences are shaped by the fulfillment of primary needs for food, healthcare, education, and housing. Approaches to state policy are proposed to address existing issues and ensure balanced economic and social development of the regions. The importance of institutional support and a rural development framework is highlighted. The article highlights the use of European experience in ensuring sustainable economic development of rural areas and adopting an appropriate strategy. Adhering to this strategy would enable the diversification of economic activities, increase the real incomes of rural communities, improve the demographic situation, and preserve national identity.


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How to Cite
Korzhenivska, N., & Chornobay, L. (2024). SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS. Economy and Society, (69).