Keywords: planned obsolescence, durability, products, demand, electronic equipment, e-waste, consumer needs


The article is devoted to the topical issues of artificially reducing the durability of electronic equipment and its environmental consequences. The relationship between the rapid renewal of the range of electronic devices, the introduction of the latest technologies and the growth of electronic waste is presented. The essence of the strategy of planned obsolescence of products is revealed and the evolution of the strategy is shown. The concept of implementing the practice of premature obsolescence of products is considered. The factors influencing consumer behavior of the unethical practice of planned obsolescence implemented by business entities are analyzed and systematized. The reasons for artificially reducing the durability of goods and the real, not imposed by unfair commercial practices, needs of consumers in updated electronic products are considered. The following methods were used to write the article: comparative analysis method to define the concept of durability and planned obsolescence of goods, analytical comparison of data on the volume of supply of electronic goods, systematic analysis of statistical and information databases. Observation method – to study the consequences of the implementation of unethical commercial practices of imposing new goods on consumers instead of those whose service life has not yet expired. Dialectical method – to study the evolution of the concept of planned obsolescence of products. Logical analysis method – to generalize sources of information and form conclusions. The abstract-logical method was used to identify relationships between such characteristics as consumer needs, durability, planned obsolescence of goods, quality. This method was used to determine the factors influencing unfair commercial practices of manufacturers and business entities on consumers (users) of electronic equipment. Methods of analysis and synthesis allow us to generalize problematic issues in the field of satisfying consumer needs in updating devices. The forecasting method showed the environmental responsibility of manufacturers and users of electronic devices regarding the growth of electronic waste. The obtained research results will allow directing further scientific research to study the position of users of electronic products regarding the need to increase the durability and quality of service. The practical value of the article is determined by considering the issues of the feasibility of rapid updating of electronic goods without studying and taking into account the level of satisfaction of consumer needs, which is manifested during the operation of such products.


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How to Cite
Yemchenko, I. (2024). DURABILITY AND PLANNED OBSACRIFICE OF PRODUCTS. Economy and Society, (69). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-69-43