The article is devoted to the study of the motivational environment of the enterprise, which can positively affect the efficiency of the employees of the enterprise. It was revealed that in the scientific literature there is a limited number of definitions of the term "motivational environment" and is practically absent – "motivational and logistic environment" and there is no clear mechanism for managing staff motivation at an enterprise in the logistics sector. In the course of the study, the theory of motivation is analyzed and the concept of a motivational environment at a logistics enterprise is revealed. It is understood as a set of activities and conditions defined within the corporate culture of a logistics company, motivating personnel to ensure effective performance both in managing logistics flows in supply chains, and their continuous improvement based on knowledge capitalization. The essence and specific features of the motivational environment at the enterprise of the logistics direction have been determined and the tasks and functions of building a motivational mechanism have been developed. The role of corporate culture in the chain of forming positive motivation of employees has been determined. The article details the principles of building a motivational mechanism for personnel in a logistics company and outlines the main trends in personnel motivation management: the support of spirits to the quick acceptance of logistic decisions by the way of activating them logically and intuitively; formulating the interest of sportsmen before evaluating the power decisions for the participants and setting up their own meeting in the public; the formulation of motives for the conversion of power with the accounting of the hundred pardons; development of professional health, mastery in the minds of self-reliance, the logistic vibration is straightforward, intuitively, and to create an optimal system and management of financial flows. It has been substantiated that the mechanism of motivation management and corporate development of personnel ensure the development of each employee of a logistics enterprise separately and create conditions for the formation of motives for participation in the capitalization of the enterprise.
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