The war in Ukraine has significantly changed the conditions for doing business, forcing many companies to adapt to new realities. Active hostilities have caused mass migration of the population, as well as the relocation of enterprises due to the danger of continuing operations in conflict zones or adjacent territories. Some companies have remained in their regions, despite the risks. Most enterprises did not have prepared contingency plans or risk reduction strategies in advance, which made it difficult for them to adapt to war conditions. At the same time, social responsibility for many companies has become a key tool for overcoming the challenges caused by the war. Many businesses have not only maintained their activities, supporting employees, but also actively helped local communities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, territorial defense and internally displaced persons. This indicates a significant unity of entrepreneurs around a common goal - the approaching victory of Ukraine. In conditions of martial law, CSR is transformed from a voluntary initiative into a mandatory element of the development strategy of companies. Successful implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility is important not only for companies, but also for society as a whole. The Ukrainian experience is a unique example of how crises can become a catalyst for changes in the business environment. Enterprises quickly adapted their management and social responsibility models, focusing on supporting society and the country. The war showed that CSR can be a powerful tool for stabilization in conditions of instability, and significantly strengthened the role of business as a social partner. Key changes in the approach to social responsibility of Ukrainian business during the war: 1. Strengthening the role of charity. Many companies in Ukraine implemented numerous humanitarian initiatives, helping military personnel, displaced persons and local communities. 2. Rethinking social values. Bringing security, freedom, and social cohesion to the forefront. 3. Adapting business models. Businesses have learned to quickly respond to challenges related to the relocation of production, employee support, and community support. 4. Innovations in financial assistance. Ukrainian business is actively using modern technologies to raise funds and support the army. For example, Monobank is implementing services for quick donations. In the post-war period, CSR will play a key role in the restoration of Ukraine. It is expected that business will become an important partner of the state in rebuilding infrastructure, creating new jobs, supporting innovations, and developing social projects. The war demonstrates that companies are capable not only of overcoming challenges, but also of becoming leaders of social change. Therefore, the development of CSR should become one of the key aspects of the development strategies of Ukrainian enterprises in the future.
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