Keywords: strategic potential, strategic management, analysis, methods, strategy


The article explores the theoretical foundations of managing the strategic potential of enterprises, with a detailed focus on defining its essence, structure, and critical role in ensuring sustainable and long-term competitiveness under dynamic market conditions. Strategic potential is described as a multidimensional and dynamic system that integrates resources, competencies, capabilities, and reserves necessary for the effective implementation of enterprise strategies and the achievement of sustained competitive advantages. It highlights the growing importance of strategic potential in addressing the challenges posed by globalization, technological change, and increasing market competition. The study identifies key analytical methods for assessing the internal and external environments of enterprises, including PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, and SPACE analysis, emphasizing their role in strategic decision-making processes. Key stages of forming strategic potential are described in detail, encompassing data collection, comprehensive environmental analysis, identification of influencing factors, assessment of internal capabilities, and the development and implementation of adaptive strategies tailored to the evolving market dynamics. The research demonstrates how a systematic approach to strategic potential management fosters the capacity of enterprises to flexibly adapt to environmental changes, align internal resources with external demands, and maintain both operational efficiency and strategic focus. Special attention is given to widely recognized strategic tools, such as the BCG matrix, Porter’s Five Forces model, and Ansoff’s matrix. These tools are shown to support data-driven decision-making processes by facilitating the identification of market niches, prioritization of key product developments, and diversification of business activities to mitigate risks and leverage emerging opportunities. Each tool’s application is examined in the context of optimizing strategic potential and achieving sustained growth. The findings underline the practical value of integrating strategic management into enterprise activities, especially in the context of uncertainty, globalization, and rapid technological innovation. By leveraging their strategic potential effectively, enterprises can achieve resilience against external shocks, secure their market positions, and drive innovation-led growth. Furthermore, the proposed approach enables managers to optimize resource allocation in alignment with long-term strategic goals, ensuring stability, adaptability, and sustained success even in the most volatile market conditions. This study contributes significantly to the understanding of strategic potential as a fundamental element of modern enterprise management. It provides practical insights and actionable recommendations for enhancing competitiveness, ensuring sustainable development, and fostering resilience in the face of external and internal challenges. By emphasizing a structured approach to managing strategic potential, the research offers a comprehensive framework for enterprises aiming to thrive in increasingly complex and competitive environments.


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