This article is devoted to the peculiarities of organization of accounting for non-current assets (capital investments in progress, fixed assets, other non-current tangible assets, intangible assets) of budgetary institutions in the context of public finance management reform. The concept of the category “organization of accounting for non-current assets” is generalized. The author summarizes the groups of principles of organization of accounting for non-current assets, namely: general principles of organization of accounting for non-current assets (reliability, truthfulness, consistency, prudence, completeness, continuity, materiality, compliance, comparability, systematicity, transparency); principles of organization of accounting for financing of non-current assets (planning, accrual of intended use, controllability, separation of sources of financing, economic feasibility); specific principles of organization of accounting for non-current assets (rhythmicity, timeliness, and straightness). The main elements of the organization of accounting for non-current assets are summarized, and their characteristics are given. The stages of document flow and documentation of operations related to the organization of accounting for non-current assets are summarized. The criteria for recognizing capital investments in progress as the main component of non-current assets are summarized, and the directions for improvement in terms of their documentation are identified. The rational organization of accounting for non-current assets is a crucial tool for summarizing important information for the effective management of these assets, their rational use and preservation in a budgetary institution. With the help of a well-established system for organizing accounting, documenting and documenting operations related to non-current assets, a budgetary institution will have high-quality and reliable information about objects that have not been put into operation; the condition, movement, valuation, revaluation, improvement, disposal of such assets for the purpose of their full control and effective management.
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