The article is devoted to topical issues of pricing as a tool for improving the efficiency of enterprises. Analyzed and systematized factors that affect pricing in today's challenges. Enterprises should carefully analyze the market situation, production costs, the level of competition, demand for their products and changing economic conditions in order to adjust prices in accordance with external and internal challenges. The change in the structure of products (goods, works, services) sold by Nova Poshta LLC was analyzed, which made it possible to assess the influence of various factors on pricing and identify key elements that directly affect the efficiency of activities. It is determined that a significant increase in costs in the context of individual components requires a revision of approaches to pricing to ensure financial stability in conditions of economic instability and external challenges. The dynamics of changes in the cost of sold products (goods, works, services) of Nova Poshta LLC for 2025-2027 was forecasted, which made it possible to assess future trends in the development of cost. It is determined that since the cost has a direct impact on the formation of prices for services, the projected increase in costs requires adjustment of the pricing policy to maintain profitability. The main stages of formation of the pricing strategy are outlined. The features of formation of the pricing strategy, taking into account preventive approaches, have been determined. It is outlined that the formation of a pricing strategy, taking into account preventive approaches, is critical for enterprises operating in an unstable environment and requires an integrated approach, including stages focused on constant monitoring and analysis of changes in the external and internal environment, as well as the development of flexible and adaptive mechanisms for pricing. It has been substantiated that the efficiency of pricing is an important factor for improving the overall performance of the enterprise, especially in conditions of instability and security challenges. It is determined that in order to ensure the stable development of the enterprise, it is necessary to implement strategies based on flexibility and ability to adapt to changes in the external environment, including in pricing.
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