Keywords: project, design decision, technical analysis, cost indicators, feasibility study, system approach


The present paper identifies approaches to defining the concept of the project in terms of the latest concept of project management. Theoretically, a project is defined as a certain system of interconnected elements that should provide a certain result. The specificity of the project in practical terms is its definition as a set of measures that must be implemented to achieve a certain goal. Acceptance or rejection of the project is based on preliminary justifications, which require a clear distinction between technical and economic components. The technical component must reveal the technological features, the feasibility of technical solutions, the possibility of implementation on the basis of the production base of existing enterprises or the production base of a particular region. The assessment of the technical component is carried out by natural or cost-natural indicators, the main purpose of which is to become the basis for determining the feasibility of the project in terms of increasing production of goods and services, increasing resource savings, improving energy efficiency. The assessment of the economic component is based on the classical approach of investment analysis. Economic justifications include a valuation that clearly links capital investment to possible economic effects. The basis of the cost assessment are the results of the technical justification. The approach in which the advantages of accepting or rejecting a project are given to cost indicators remains the main one. However, in modern conditions of high-tech decisions, active development of science and technology, formation of innovative economy there is a transformation of criteria of acceptance of design decisions. Decision-making on the feasibility of a particular project requires a systematic approach, in which the priority of technical factors or cost factors is determined by the nature of the project decision and the purpose of the project. The ability to obtain strategic competitive advantages in the markets, ensuring compliance with high latest technical and environmental standards, creating the conditions for long-term economic effects and efficiency in conducting feasibility studies are important criteria for approving or disapproving a project.


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